Vol. 3 (2019): Methodologies of Understanding and Enacting Open Scholarship

Based on the proceedings of the 2017 Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) conference, these essays explore how Networked Open Social Scholarship might be adopted in the academy in order to revision research, pedagogy, and scholarly communication. Authors provide definitions for open social scholarship and methodologies for working in the field with the stated aim of developing new models for collaboration among faculty, students, and the wider non-university community.
Guest Editor: J. Matthew Huculak

Collection launched: 19 Feb 2019


The Methodologies of Open Social Scholarship

Author: J. Matthew Huculak


Modelling Open Social Scholarship Within the INKE Community

Authors: Alyssa Arbuckle, John Maxwell

Foundations for On-Campus Open Social Scholarship Activities

Authors: Randa El Khatib, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens

The Sociable Textual Archive: Laying the Groundwork for Linked Bibliographic Entities

Author: Brent Nelson

Playful Lenses: Using Twine to Facilitate Open Social Scholarship through Game-based Inquiry, Research, and Scholarly Communication

Authors: Rebecca Wilson , Jon Saklofske, The INKE Research team

Artistic Research Creation for Publicly Engaged Scholarship

Author: Jon Bath

Developing an Open Social Scholarship Collaboration: Lessons from INKE

Authors: Lynne Siemens , The INKE Research Group